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Advanced Nutrients TASTY TERPENES (NIRVANA) 5l | accelerates growth and increases yields


Bud Potency & Stalk Strengthener
100% natural vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates will accelerate growth and increase yields.

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Advanced Nutrients Tasty Terpenes™, the ultimate solution for growers seeking substantial harvest rewards. This premium biostimulant is specifically formulated to enhance bud development and reinforce stalk strength, providing optimal conditions for maximum yields. Packed with potassium, kelp extract, and alfalfa meal, Tasty Terpenes™ guarantees an abundance of bud-laden branches from top to bottom.

Harness the power of amino acids to promote robust stalks and larger buds. Experience peak performance with the rich multivitamin content of kelp and alfalfa. Supply your plants with essential minerals, including bloom-boosting potassium. Enhance plants' ability to generate their own food through photosynthesis.

Tasty Terpenes™ is thoughtfully crafted to be compatible with various hydroponic growing media and continuous liquid-feed systems like aeroponics, drip irrigation, emitters, NFT, flood and drain, and deep water culture.

IMPORTANT: Tasty Terpenes™ seamlessly integrates with pH Perfect Base Nutrients, as well as non pH Perfect Base Nutrients, supplements, and those offered by other brands.

NOTE: Advanced Nutrients takes pride in excluding paclobutrazol, daminozide, and any other prohibited plant growth regulators from our product formulations.


from 3 to 7 week 2ml per 1l of water

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Weight 5500 g



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